Docker Series Part -1

Docker Series Part -1

Introduction to Docker

Hello readers, welcome to Docker Series Part-1. In this article, we are going to discuss about Introduction to Docker. Hope you will enjoy the blog and happy learning :)

In this article we are downloading Docker on virtual machine(EC2).

What is Docker?

Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. Docker enables you to separate your applications from your infrastructure so you can deliver software quickly. With Docker, you can manage your infrastructure in the same ways you manage your applications. By taking advantage of Docker’s methodologies for shipping, testing, and deploying code quickly, you can significantly reduce the delay between writing code and running it in production.

Containerization vs virtualization

Virtualization enables you to run multiple operating systems on the hardware of a single physical server, while containerization enables you to deploy multiple applications using the same operating system on a single virtual machine or server.


  • Every virtual machines includes an individual guest OS and VMs require significant RAM and CPU resources, requires fixed hardware allocation.
  • Containers eliminates the need of guest operating system. The host machine OS is shared to all the containers, so that all the containers running on the host machine must be designed to run on the same kind of OS.

Advantages of Containerization

  • Docker implements a high-level API to provide lightweight containers that run processes in isolation.
  • A Docker container enables rapid deployment with minimum run-time requirements.
  • It also ensures better management and simplified portability. This helps developers and operations team in rapid deployment of an application.

Installing Docker

Here we are downloading Docker on EC2 virtual machine with OS flavor Amazon Linux2 (AWS).

  • Get root user privileges with the following command.

    $ sudo su -
  • Install the docker in Amazon Linux2 OS with the following command.

    # yum -y install docker
  • To verify the Docker version, type the following command.

    # docker --version

Understanding Docker Terminologies

Docker Images

Combinations of binaries / libraries which are necessary for one software application.

Docker Containers

When image is installed and it comes into running condition, it is called container.

Docker Host

The Machine on which docker is installed, is called as Docker host.

Docker Client

The terminal used to run the docker run commands.

Ex: Git bash

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